Elite Skating Academy Curriculum
Holistic Structure of each ESA lesson:
30 minute semi private on ice lesson (1-4 skaters per coach)
30 min off-ice conditioning class
Off Ice Conditioning:
The Elite Skating Academy's targeted Off Ice Conditioning class is designed to strengthen muscles specifically used in figure skating, further developing balance and coordination for jumps and other skating elements. Correct technique, rotation and flexibility is utilized to help develop edges, spins, spirals and injury prevention.
The Elite Skating Academy's staff includes experienced and educated professionals specifically trained in the field of biomechanics, personal training and corrective exercise.
On Ice Focus:
Spins: Skaters will focus on spins. Review technique, spin entries, body position, and types of spins. (beginner, intermediate, advanced).
Jumps: Skaters will gain an introduction to jumps. Review jump entries, technique, rotation, correct positioning and types of jumps ex. *toe versus edge. (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
Footwork: Skaters will gain experience in developing different types of turns and connecting steps. Will learn how to correctly gain speed with the utilization of edges. (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
Choreographic Moves: Skaters will gain experience in developing choreographic moves with various elements to be integrated into programs and routines. (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
"The Second Mark" Skaters will gain experience in developing the artistic side of skating-learning theme, mood, style and interpretation. (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
Intro to Moves-in-the-field: Skaters will gain an introduction to USFS Moves in the field testing system, developing power stroking, edges, and turns. These skills will help the skater advance through levels. (beginner, intermediate, advanced).
*All ESA coaches are qualified to “pass” skaters through the various LTS USA levels. Badges available for purchase. Skaters may test at their own speed/readiness.
*All ESA coaches are qualified to prepare skaters for USFS Figure Skating tests.
Competitions / Shows
*All ESA coaches are qualified to prepare skaters for competitions or shows.